Monday, August 29, 2011

One Man Braver

Well, it's official. Patrick has left for the Army! The army is now one man braver. He is heading to Montgomery for tonight. He will leave there in the morning, board a plane, and it's off to Fort Leonardwood. He was really excited!

This reference from C.S. Lewis's The Voyage of the Dawn Treader best explains Patrick. Reepicheep is about to cross over into Aslan's country, his life's greatest adventure. However, once he crosses over, he can't return to Narnia, so his friends are terribly sad. "Then he bade them goodbye, trying to be sad for their sakes; but he was quivering with happiness."

Thank you, everyone, for your great support! Stay tuned for more updates on The Peake family's newest adventure!


Patrick is in Missouri. He made it about thirty minutes ago. He had time to write me quickly on facebook, and it's off to the races! I should hear from him again around Sunday.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

More Tri Pics

Patrick and Alex aftter the triathlon
Patrick on the run...sorry it's sideways

Triathlon Fun

On August 13, Patrick competed in his first triathlon! It was in Guntersvill, AL, and Team Magic put on the event. Patrick had to swim 600 meters, bike 16 miles, and run 3 miles. He finished in 96 minutes, which was a little better than what his goal time was. Here are some pictures to chronicle the event.

(Above) Patrick entering the swim. (Below) Patrick and Alex

Team Patrick

Team Patrick again

Monday, August 8, 2011


Depending on who you are, I have some good news and bad news: School starts in two days! As a new teacher, this is both exciting and nerve-wracking. I have been spending the last two weeks preparing the room and my lessons for the students in my classroom. I got to meet about half of my class yesterday, and let me tell you, they have me excited! What an honor to influence and shape the life of a child!

Anyway, here are some pictures of my classroom. Enjoy!