Friday, September 7, 2012

God's Plan

If you didn't read the previous blog, we found out today that Patrick is having to repeat the first three weeks of Ranger School, moving his graduation date to November 9.  This puts a kink in our plans, as the baby is due November 1st.  As we have moved through this trial that is Ranger School, it has often felt like we just can't catch a break.  We know in our heads that God is in control, but the feelings of abandonment and disappointment are definitely there.  I just started a Bible study at my church, and today's lesson was just what I needed.

God called people in hard times to hard things.  Noah was alone in his righteousness, surrounded by wicked people when God called him to build a massive ship.  He was past his prime, and he could not depend on help from anyone outside of his family.  Gideon had only known oppression--to the point of threshing wheat in a wine press in order to keep his harvest--when God called him to tear down idols.  He was given no promise of personal safety  or a non-violent outcome because of it.  He felt that God had abandoned His people.  Because of God's calling on David's life, he spent years living in caves, running for his life.  Elijah lived in a time where being a God-follower was a death sentence, and God called him to speak to the king and queen.  He not only ran for his life, but he wished to die.  Ezekiel was forced from his home and made to live in the land of the Chaldeans when God called him to give a hard message to His people. 

These men seemingly could not catch a break.  Their lives went from bad to worse.  Yet they shaped the very history of the people of God, and they are still known today as faithful men of God.  when we are in times of great trial, it is hard to remember that God has not abandoned us.  Our finite minds and our slavery to time make it hard to see God' plan and purpose.  But that doesn't mean it is not there.  God has promised good to those He has called to His purpose.  We may see that good on earth, or we may not see it until we are in our eternal home.  It does not change the fact that good is coming.  We must cling to this truth.  At times, it may be our only anchor.  God's good will come--we need only to hope, trust, and wait.


  1. God is definitely watching over your family and has great plans for the three of you and the other children to come! I will continue to pray for Patrick and you. I love you very much!

  2. How encouraging to read!! I'm not even going through a tough time but that encouraged me to realize and take note of God always being in control and completing His will just as he sees fit. I'm so proud of your strength as a believer and a wife. It's unreal.
