Saturday, August 3, 2013

Not Much to Say...

Hello, everyone!

I am going to attempt to update the blog every Monday.  However, some weeks I don't hear often enough from Patrick to give any real update.  So please just bear with me as I get into the rhythm of weekly updates.

Patrick has been so busy!  He has been completing routine missions, planning new missions, and inventorying all of their equipment--all the while his platoon is on call to go assist other platoons in a fire fight.  Needless to say, he is only getting a few hours of sleep and is pretty tired by the time we talk.

Despite all of that, which would have me living in a perpetual state of bad attitude, Patrick is really enjoying himself.  This is what he has trained for, and he is having a good time getting to do "the fun stuff."

He told me one of the last times we talked that he was able to get his room set up (after being in country for three weeks!).  He loves his set up with his bags unpacked, a side lamp and TWO fans!  He was especially happy about the fans, since it is regularly over 100 degrees.  I'm hoping to have some pictures soon of his room.

His room is partitioned off in a big hut with plywood.  So it would be great if you wanted to send Patrick things he could attach to his wall.  Letters, pictures, and posters would all be great ideas.  You may also want to send a few tacks if you have room.  He has tape, but I'm not sure how well that would stick to the plywood.

Prayer Requests:
Thank you so much for your prayers for Patrick, John and me.  With God's daily grace, we are all doing well.  Please pray for Patrick to find a Christian friend that can be an encouragement and accountability partner.`

1 comment:

  1. So glad to receive the photo in the mail. Prayers are being lifted this morning for you, Patrick, and baby John! I plan to share your story with our fourth graders Monday morning and we will commit to pray for Patrick, you, and John throughout the year in our prayer time. THANK YOU for serving for our great country!!
